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Words: Charlotte Gratton

As a local amateur dramatics group, Chesterfield Operatic Society have been desperate to get back together. One month before Carousel was due to be performed at the Pomegranate Theatre, the nation went into lockdown and the society haven’t been able to have an in-person meeting since. Covid-19 has affected so many and the performing arts industry has been hit in a big way. The society are now looking forward to bringing their musicals back to the Pomegranate Theatre in Chesterfield.

“As a society with over 60 members, we have missed being able to get together and do what we love.

"We are holding an open night on Monday 6 September where we will come back together and would like to invite anyone who is interested in joining Chesterfield Operatic Society, to come along too. We are an adult society and welcome performing and non-performing members including those interested in stage management, props and costumes,” says Sarah Morrell, Chairperson.

For more information see:

For more information, please email Charlotte.




Text: Jack Emmens

My name is Jack and I'm currently setting up a Chesterfield branch of Football for Foodbanks (FFF) with my other half Amy Calpin. We are both teachers, Chesterfield-born and live in Walton (S40).

It's clear that foodbanks have become a necessity for many over the last couple of years and we want to support them as they continue to benefit the local community. How do we do that? In the most basic terms, we play football.

From September onwards, we will be hosting matches across Chesterfield in both our Men's division (led by me) and our Women and Gender Minorities Division (led by Amy). We simply need people to play football with us, pay their subs and raise money for local foodbanks.

We currently run through Facebook, both divisions can be found by searching for 'Football for Foodbanks Chesterfield'. Sign up posts will go live on the group two days before a match, all you have to do is sign up, pay £4, play football and then go home having done something good for your community and had a bit of exercise. We charge £4 because we aim to pool £1 from each fee for the foodbank shop (this may vary depending on how much it costs to hire the pitches).

We're open to players of all abilities. I've always lacked the confidence to play with a proper team but loved playing with the Sheffield Football for Foodbanks group. Amy, on the other hand, was a goalkeeper with Chesterfield Ladies until her late teens. The supportive and friendly ethos of FFF in Sheffield has been brilliant for both of us and we can't wait to see it have a similar affect on the Chesterfield residents who join us.

Football for Foodbanks was originally set up in Sheffield but has since spawned another successful branch in Manchester. We are aiming to emulate that success in Chesterfield.

  • What we need right now is players.

  • The more people sign up to play, the more matches we can host.

  • The more matches we host, the more money we raise.

  • The more money we raise, the more we can donate to the foodbanks.



MINERVA Chorus was founded in 2015 when six friends began singing for pleasure and to develop technique. Within months the chorus had grown and, with the support of two experienced musical directors, established a varied repertoire of unaccompanied songs which demonstrated the well-blended harmony sound we set out to achieve.

After moving rehearsals online, and the group learning new IT skills for singing muted on Zoom, from September they are delighted to be able to make plans to return safely to physical rehearsals and engage with audiences at forthcoming live events.

WANT TO SING WITH MINERVA? Minerva always welcomes interest from women who love singing. There is no requirement to read music, sheet copies are provided, and members also learn through audio learning tracks. To find out more about Minerva have a look at the website where you can also view YouTube clips of some of the repertoire.

CAN WE SING FOR YOU? We like to share our enjoyment of singing together by performing for others. If you are considering a possible concert engagement, we’d be delighted to arrange a discussion.



Drew Lilleker and the team at Harold Lilleker & Son's are excited to open a second funeral home on Sheffield Road, Whittington Moor. Their expansion brings new jobs to the area and new team members. They are pleased to welcome to the team the highly experienced Rebecca Tustin and look forward to a bright future at the new site.



The first ever Westfield Allotments competition took on place on the 21st of August. It showcased over 25 catergories of fruit and vegetables. The overall winners were Mr M.Martin and Mrs H.Turner. They were awarded the Golden Shovel Award by Councillor Jill Manion Brunt, Cabinent Member for Health and Wellbeing. A great time was had by all.



Words: Press Release

Residents and visitors to Chesterfield can enjoy themselves during half term as the annual 1940s market returns for 2021.

Taking place on Thursday 28 October between 10am and 4pm, visitors can enjoy 40s music, entertainment, exhibits and meet the stall holders in period dress.

The 1940s Market is one of the most popular events in the market calendar and the day of fun always sees support from residents of all ages.

Kalamazoo dance band will make their return in New Square, a replica Spitfire will be on display outside the Visitor Information Centre and visitors can learn more about the role of these planes in World War Two.

The weekly flea market will take place in the market place with traders in 1940s costume. There will be a competition for the best dressed stall and visitors are encouraged to get into the 40s spirit by dressing in period costumes.

Chesterfield Museum will also be open as usual from 10am to 4pm with a special exhibition that has been created in partnership with the Chesterfield African Caribbean Community Association (ACCA) that will help you learn about the history and experiences of Chesterfield’s black community.



Words & Images: Press Release

A new system that will give Chesterfield Royal Hospital’s patients more flexibility to control their own appointments is being relaunched following a successful pilot at the end of 2020. Seven specialties have been made live with a full rollout expected to all 50 specialties by the end of June.

Patient Hub is now live and has been in use since November 2020, the app allows patients to check appointments on a phone, tablet or desktop. Once the rollout is complete, patients will be able to request a call back from the booked admission team if you want to discuss aspects of an appointment, including rearranging or cancelling to give more control and choice.

Director of ICT and Patient Records, Ian Hazel, said: “We’re pleased with how the launch went last year and can see that it will make a big difference to the patient experience before they even enter the building. It will provide more choice, flexibility and accessibility to their appointment, making it easier for patients to contact the hospital and rearrange an appointment if there is a problem.

“All patients with a registered mobile phone number or email address have access to this improved service. A text message will be sent to the individual that includes asking you to click through to

“It’s all very straightforward and is a system that you will be invited to join. You will be able to view and accept an appointment on your own mobile device; making it less stressful, with the benefit of eliminating the need to print hundreds of thousands of letters each year.”

The link includes reference to your appointment, the clinic and time, so you know it's a genuine email, you will also recognise the link ‘’ from our hospital.

Further developments include the ’I’ve Arrived’ module; a new feature of Patient Hub introduced in response to COVID-19 to support social distancing with a virtual queuing system. I’ve Arrived is used for face-to-face appointments and allows patients to feel safe, and remain outside or in car parks until they are actually required to attend their appointment, removing risks of overcrowded waiting areas.

For info see the web address below:


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