Words: Paul Chapman
Images: Seb Walker

Seb Walker from SRW Fitness has opened a new studio at Studio One The Glass Yard on Sheffield Road.
SRWFitness has been delivering personal training and expert guidance in and around Chesterfield for over 15 years now. If you cast your mind back a few years, well eight to be precise, we ran an article about one of seb’s clients and his journey that had been life changing, both physically and mentally, so his services come highly recommended.

With the new dedicated space at Studio One, it has enabled Seb to offer new services, like group training sessions, circuits and HIIT classes. Also, the exciting development of small group semi-private group personal training sessions alongside the usual 1-2-1 training. Seb says, “the new space is so adaptable and allows me to offer a larger variety of services that I think my clients and new clients will love.?
Seb explains that since COVID he’s seen quite a lot of change in how people approach fitness, some are still uncomfortable with large groups and prefer smaller numbers whilst some are still using online classes.
“Many people started exercising during COVID and found a release from the stresses that covid brought. People made the most of the time allowed to exercise, if just to get out of the same four walls for a while. Now things are getting back to normal, and people are wanting to make a positive change, understanding the benefits of staying healthy with exercise key to achieving it. I’m seeing new clients wanting support to get them on the right track and having that support and guidance is key to keep them motivated and moving in the right direction. Its pointless wasting all this newfound motivation if you’re doing all the wrong things or even the right things wrong!”

What I love about Seb’s approach is it’s not all about promising fast results it’s about giving you the tools to maintain the results for life. “Any effective lifestyle changes needs to be sustainable and easy to maintain,” Seb adds, “quick fixes don’t work; a short-term reward will generally be followed by a drop back into bad habits and the feeling of disappointment and a sense of failure.”
SRWFitness’ strapline is ‘Mind – Body - Move’, Seb explains. “We focus on three areas. The ‘Mind’, addressing the habits and choices that are hampering your progression. Secondly, ‘Body’, what you are putting in your body and how to adjust your diet that doesn’t feel like you’re depriving yourself of happiness! Then finally ‘Move’, this is the exercise that will feel more like you’re having fun and less like you’ve just enlisted in the army. If you enjoy it, you will stick to it effortlessly!”
SRWFitness covers all bases for times and budgets at Studio One, they have SRW45, this is a 45-minute group session of up to 16 people with a variety of exercises that are appropriate for all levels and is a great way for people to push themselves in a group setting.
SRW1-6 is an hour-long session with a maximum of six people training together, this is more like a group form of personal training and more bespoke to the individual’s needs. Seb has had bookings from groups of workmates and friends who want to train together, it’s a great way for people to get the bespoke guidance whilst having the support of the group to keep them on track. Alongside the group sessions Seb also offers his 1-2-1 training plans and covers everything you need to lose weight or work towards a specific training goal.
At SRWFitness however is not all about the obvious reasons why you enlist a personal trainer, Seb also helps with injury rehab, having worked with people recovering from knee and hip replacements, and sports injuries and has close links to several local physios and massage therapists. Seb says, “this is something I really enjoy, having had many injuries myself, I know how frustrating the recovery process is and the importance of getting the right guidance and exercise to make life easier in the long run”.
Looking to the near future Seb is not resting on his laurels and is continually looking for ways to develop SRWFitness. With new indoor cycling, stretching and rehab classes plus Yoga and Pilates with sessions delivered by some of the best instructors in the area on the horizon it’s all looking very exciting. All his current classes are available on gymcatch.com, just go the home page and search ‘SRWFitness - Studio One’ so you can keep up to date with sessions and new classes.
Call in and try one of Seb’s sessions down at SRW Fitness at Studio One, The Glass Yard. Parking is right outside, free for two hours, and is £2 an hour for each additional hour once you register your vehicle with the parking app, this gives you time to call into The Batch House for a drink… but no cake obviously!