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30 Symptoms...

That might give the menopause away.

Words & Image: Shelley Chapman

I thought one of the most beneficial things I could give you is knowing what the top 30 Symptoms of the Menopause are, so that if the doctor can’t find anything wrong with you, these will hopefully help alleviate your fears. They aren’t in any order, they’re just the most common ones!

Irregular Periods: Light/heavy/spotting/none for months. But you can still get pregnant, until you haven’t had a period for at least 12 months (18 is safer).

Hot Flushes: A sudden feeling of heat spreading through your upper body, arms, neck and face.

Night Sweats: BIG hot flushes when you’re asleep, that wake you up!

Memory Lapse: ‘Brain Fog’, forgetting things, why you went into a room etc., but if you’re at all worried, seek an appointment with your doctor.

Tiredness: Changes in your hormones causing irritability and feeling totally exhausted.

Loss of Libido: Loss of sexual desire and vaginal dryness.

Bloating: Changing your eating habits can really help, but if it persists, see your doctor.

Hair Thinning or Loss: More brittle and drier or your scalp becoming more visible.

Mood Swings: Frequent during menopause due to your hormones changing.

Sleep Problems: Often because anxiety levels are increased due to your other symptoms!

Palpitations: Heartbeat increasing, shallower breathing, a feeling of terror or panic.

Urine Infection: Lowering oestrogen levels can make you more sensitive to infection.

Weight Gain: Changing hormones can have a significant impact on your weight.

Incontinence: Bladder ‘leaks’, often during jumping, running, laughing or sneezing!

Dizziness: For a few seconds or maybe longer which can end up in a fall. If this happens, consult a doctor.

Digestive Problems: In the way your body digests the food you eat.

Headaches: If headaches become severe, cause you to become confused, or is accompanied by a high fever, see your doctor.

Allergies: Itching eyes, sneezing, rashes, dizziness, swelling or cramps. If worried, see your doctor.

Burning Tongue: Lips or mouth, bad breath or bad taste in your mouth.

Change in Body Odour: Common but not wanted!

Osteoporosis: Dropping oestrogen causes loss in bone mass and density.

Itching Skin: Can get dryer, thinner and look less youthful.

Tension in your Muscles: Strained or tight muscles in neck, shoulders and back, maybe an increase of stiffness, soreness, aches and pains throughout your body.

Tingling: Like ants crawling over your skin, or a burning sensation, get an appointment with your doctor.

Irregular Heartbeat: Palpitations and arrhythmias. Go to your doctor immediately, just to be on the safe side.

Difficulty Concentrating: Due to oestrogen deficiency, generally returns to normal after menopause.

Anxiety: Reduction in oestrogen and magnesium levels, which play a vital role in regulating your mood.

Depression: Can happen at any time, at any age.

Breast Pain: Or tenderness in one or both breasts. If persists for a couple of months or is severe, consult your doctor, just to be on the safe side.

Joint Pain: Early treatment can often bring a cure or lessen the chance of developing arthritis.

Please join my closed Facebook Group where we can help you through this menopausal journey with so many tips, advice, remedies and solutions.

Shelley Chapman

Menopause Help

FB: practical_menopause_help

FB Group: MenopauseHelp Before, During & After




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