Please check before attending any events as Chesterfield Local cannot be held responsible for any errors in the listings.
Newbold Community Football Training
For boys & girls of all abilities. 5 to 15 yrs. FA qualified coaches, 1st aiders, drinks/snacks
09:30. Newbold Back Lane, S40 4HG. 01246 721940.
West Studios Saturday Opening
Enjoy a coffee, browse the Gallery Shop and latest exhibitions of local artists. Parking available.
10:00. West Studios, Sheffield Road.
Mystery Objects
A range of objects to identify
10:00. Chesterfield Museum.
Muy Thai
Martial Arts training for adults 10 to 11am followed by kids 11am to midday
10:00. Bolsover. 07910 858267.
Repair CafÈ
Run by Transition Chesterfield. Bring along items for repair rather than throwing them away
10:00. Cross Street Baptist Church. 01246 235815.
Back to Netball
Have fun and get fit with over 14s, All ages can play if supervised. £2.50 per session with the first free
11:00. Loundsley Green Community Centre. 07854 224932.
Behind the Scenes Tour
Explore Chesterfield Museum's store room and find out how they preserve the collections. Call for date & bookings
11:00 Walton Evangelical Church. Chesterfield Museum.
Board Games Club
Board Games Club 2nd Sat of month 2-4pm / Tech Club 3rd Sat of month 2-4pm/ Art Club last Sat month
14:00. Monkey Park, Chester Street.
Chesterfield Market
Chesterfield Market Square. 01246 345777/8